

Thank you for your interest in the 澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场 Nursing Program. 副 护理课程是完全认可的国家:
澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场 is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
护理计划是由科罗拉多州护理委员会和科罗拉多州批准的 社区学院制度.

亚特兰大,GA 30326
PH: 404-975-5000 


  • 副学士护理学(助理)
    护理副学士(ADN)课程结合了护理和一般课程 在区域卫生保健机构的监督下具有临床经验的教育 大学教职员工. Graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensure 注册护士考试(NCLEX.

    Licensed Practical Nurses may come back to complete their ADN through TSC.  Admission 考试在秋季学期结束.  完成过渡课程(NUR1089) 在春季学期.  然后,该学生被纳入第二级队列 各自的校园.

  • BSN双注册
    Graduates are encouraged to pursue a baccalaureate degree in nursing, through our 双注册选择或其他途径. TSC有一个在线RN-BSN项目 nationally accredited through Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).  在顺利完成第一学期的护理课程后,学生 are allowed to start taking BSN level classes while taking their ADN classes. Please 与指导老师一起学习这些课程.

  • 实用护理(pn证书)
    Students have the option to receive a certificate and take the NCLEX for Practical Nurses after the first year of the professional phase of nursing which must include NUR 1069 -过渡到实用护理.


在线申请澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场 and 填写在线护理申请 (提交清单后的更多细节).


  • 成绩单-高中
  • 18岁或以上
  • 行为/ SAT分数
  • 以前的大学
  • 免疫接种记录
  • 健康保险
  • CPR card
  • Applicants are required to submit transcripts from all previous college course work 包括之前的护理课程. TSC将不录取不及格的学生 or withdrawn from two NUR courses from TSC or any other college within three years 被解雇的. TSC will not admit students who have been dismissed from TSC or any 其他学院的纪律处分.

Colorado residents are eligible for the COF which decreases your tuition.
Visit http://cof.college-assist.org


Admission to the nursing program is based on a point system criterion. 学生可能 当他们完成或在必修课程的最后一个学期提交在线申请 必备的课程. HESI testing dates along with a full checklist will appear after 提交网上申请.

Admission requires a high school diploma or the equivalent, satisfactory performance 通过HESI护理入学考试并完成任何必要的基础课程. TSC Nursing Department reserves the right to decline admission to any student based upon disqualifying offenses, GPA and/or poor transcript history. 一个以上等级 of W, D or F in any of the prerequisite BIO courses will be viewed as poor transcript history.


  • 3.必修课程平均绩点0分,累计绩点2分.5 GPA
  • 已完成的额外课程
  • 入学评估考试成绩


  • eng1021英语写作
  • PSY 2440人类成长与发展
  • 人体解剖学与生理学1


  1. Students are encouraged to apply in January for acceptance in August.
  2. The three prereqs must be completed prior to nursing enrolling in nursing classes in August. When in question, please go ahead and apply, so that an advisory can get in touch with you and you can review the checklist after clicking the submit button 澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场在线护理申请.
  3. 符合所有要求并获得适当入学分数的学生将收到 通过电子邮件发送的录取通知书,并要求完成额外的要求 such as 免疫接种 and a physical prior to the mandatory orientation.
  4. 如果一个学生不参加秋季培训,那么他们就失去了在护理中的位置 program. Orientation takes place one week prior to Fall classes starting.
  5. If there are more applicants than space available, students with higher scores will 先被录取.
  6. 被拒绝入学的学生可以按照同样的程序在第二年重新申请. 已被完全录取但被拒绝入学的学生可以重新申请该课程 遵循相同的过程. TSC护理部门不保留候补名单或 允许延期.
    • Each nursing course is designed to incorporate content from the support courses 在课程中. As the courses progress, content becomes more complex and the student’s 时间承诺增加. 学校不鼓励学生在学习期间工作 在护理项目中.
    • Upon completion of the program, the Colorado Board of Nursing reserves the right 确定任何有物质史的学生是否有资格获得执照 虐待或刑事犯罪.


Students requesting admission into the third and fourth semesters must:

  • 提供当前有效的美国执照
  • 提交以前所有大学的正式成绩单
  • 满足所有先决条件要求
  • 获得和实践LPN的学生过去三年或未从特立尼达毕业 State must complete NUR 1089 Transition from LPN to ADN (Bridging Course).
  • 学生需要提供临床实习所需的信息,包括 但不限于:背景调查、药物筛选、免疫接种和心肺复苏术认证.
  • Students who have failed or withdrawn from two nursing courses from TSC or any other 大学没有入学资格.
  • Students who do not have an active license or who have not practiced within three 作为一名新的护理专业的学生,开始学习需要几年的时间.

Transfer credits must be submitted, reviewed and recorded before being accepted in 专业护理课程. 成绩单必须是官方盖章的 以前机构的信封. 学生可能需要提供课程描述 课程大纲. 有转学分的学生可以将学分提交给:



Readmission Requests due a W, D F OR due to sitting out a semester or more
A dated letter by June 1 must be received via mail or email to lorirae.hamilton@hebhgkq.com . Include the student’s current contact information, mailing and CCCS system email address, and telephone number requesting readmission to the nursing program.  Letters must be formal and typed with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.  Students must identify the problems that caused the failure and present a solution for each area. Completion of current admission requirements, such as 入学测试 and 可能需要满足选择标准. 重新入学的学生也可能被要求 完成额外的要求(课程或工作经验)基于当前 课程和项目要求.
Any student who has received a D, W, F or Unsatisfactory grade in any two nursing courses, has failed two nursing courses, or withdraws failing from a second nursing course will not be readmitted to the Nursing Program for a period of at least three years. A withdrawal with a failing average at the time of withdrawal will be considered 作为护理课程的不及格.

The Nursing Director will consider readmission requests based on first come first 服务和先前的历史与以下有关:

  1. 预修及护理课程累积GPA达2分.5或以上
  2. Admission test scores in reading comprehension, writing, math, and anatomy & physiology
  3. 计划成功和补救措施
  4. 资源利用率
  5. 可用的临床空间
  6. 在截止日期前提交所需文件
  7. 学术地位
  8. 违反任何护理政策或程序
  9. 获取N.A. 证书或LPN执照

Students will be officially notified by letter of the Nursing Director’s decision 在申请重新入学的学期之前.

所有学生都对自己的教育负责,并知道自己需要学习什么课程. Students should consult with an advisor or dean over health sciences to ensure they are fully prepared for entrance into 专业护理课程. 如果你有 进一步的问题,请联系各自校园的咨询或Lori Rae Hamilton at 719-846-5524, lorirae.hamilton@hebhgkq.com.


科罗拉多社区学院系统(CCCS)和州立社区学院委员会 and Occupational Education authorize the nursing programs to conduct a background 对所有学生申请者进行调查. 在护理项目中使用的临床场所 要求对所有潜在实习生进行背景调查. 目的是维护安全 以及富有成效的教育和临床环境. 拒绝服从的新生 没有进行背景调查的学生将不能进入CCCS护理课程.

An Applicant will be disqualified from a CCCS nursing program based on the following 指南:

  • 任何暴力重罪杀人定罪. (没有时间限制)
  • Crimes of violence (assault, sexual offenses, arson, kidnapping, any crime against 有危险的成年人或青少年等.),如第18-1节所定义.3-406 C.R.S. in the 递交申请前7年.
  • Any offense involving unlawful sexual behavior 在接下来的7年里 preceding 提交申请.
  • Any crime, the underlying basis of which has been found by the court on the record to include an act of domestic violence, as defined in section 18-6-800.3 C.R.S. in the 递交申请前7年.
  • 任何虐待儿童的罪行,如第18-6-401 C条所定义的.R.S. 在接下来的7年里 在递交申请前.
  • Any crime related to the sale, possession, distribution or transfer of narcotics or 提交申请前7年内的受控物质.
  • 在提交申请前七年内有重大盗窃犯罪的.
  • Any misdemeanor theft crimes in the 5 years immediately preceding the submittal of 应用程序.
  • 心理治疗师对客户的性侵犯,如章节所定义 18- 3-405.5 C.R.S. in the 递交申请前7年.
  • Crimes of moral turpitude (prostitution, public lewdness/exposure, etc.在……中 递交申请前的年度.
  • 登记性犯罪者. (没有时间限制)
  • Any offense in another state, the elements of which are substantially similar to the 有上述罪行的构成要件.
  • (1)选D.U.I. in the 递交申请前7年.

If the investigation reveals information that could be relevant to the 应用程序, the designated individual responsible for background checks may request additional 申请人资料. 该违法行为应逐案审查. 成功完成延期裁决协议条款的学生 不会被取消资格.

If any applicant feels the 犯罪背景调查 is inaccurate, they may appeal the decision and request a review with the specific community college applied at. It is the applicant's burden to produce substantial evidence that proves the crimes 收费是不正确的.
批准CCCS 2007年6月8日审核并重新批准2012年4月12日审核并修订2015年6月15日

所有费用都是近似值,可能会有变化. 费用从大学开始逐项列出 书店及营业处. 所列费用不包括任何可能适用的税金.

药物的屏幕 $25.每两年一次
标准化考试 $500.在这两年中,我一共得到了1000英镑
护理实验包 $145.学生注册时收费00英镑
玩忽职守Ins. $16.每年一次
临床交流费 $36.50支付了150卢比的产科/儿科
NCLEX-RN测试费用 $200.我上学期交了1000英镑
学校的费用 $1.每学分34
学生活动费 $3.每学分47元
注册费 $12.55
项目费用 $57.每学时95美分

听诊器 $58.00
血压袖带 $26.00
绷带剪 $3.00
Hemostats $5.50
Gait Belt $9.00
Penlight $2.50
骗子的钢笔 $0.99
迷你订书机 $2.99
黑色墨水笔 $1.65
8位计算器 $2.50
护理马球 $20.99
2套磨砂膏 $50.00


  • iPad或其他智能手机223美元.00


  • 2套磨砂膏50美元.00


  • 入学测试
  • 犯罪背景调查
  • 药物筛选
  • 医学检查
  • 免疫接种
  • 责任保险
  • 差旅费用
  • meals
  • 儿童看护(有时需要照顾13个小时)

Individuals enrolled 在护理项目中 must be able to perform essential skills. 如果一个学生认为他或她不能达到一个或多个标准,没有 accommodations, the nursing program must determine, on an individual basis, whether 可以做出合理的让步.

功能的能力 Standard 所需活动的例子
运动能力 Physical abilities and mobility sufficient to execute gross motor skills, physical 耐力,和力量,提供病人护理. 行动能力足以执行病人护理程序,如协助行走 实施心肺复苏术,协助翻身和扶起病人,提供 care in confined spaces such as treatment room or operating suite.
手灵巧度 Demonstrate fine motor skills sufficient for providing safe nursing care. 运动技能足以操作小型设备,如胰岛素注射器和管理 medications by all routes, perform tracheotomy suctioning, insert urinary catheter.
知觉/感官能力 监测和评估病人的感官/知觉能力. Sensory abilities sufficient to hear alarms, auscultatory sounds, cries for help, etc.
Visual acuity to read calibrations on 1 mL syringe, assess color (cyanosis, pallor, etc.)
Tactile ability to feel pulses, temperature, palpates veins, etc.
行为/人际情感 能够诚实、正直、不歧视地与同事、员工和病人相处.
Interpersonal abilities sufficient for interaction with individuals, families and groups from various social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds.
能够在压力和不断变化的环境中进行建设性的工作 修正行为以回应建设性的批评.
Capacity to demonstrate ethical behavior, including adherence to the professional 护士和学生荣誉守则.
Emotional skills sufficient to remain calm in an emergency situation.
Behavioral skills sufficient to demonstrate the exercise of good judgment and prompt completion of all responsibilities attendant to the diagnosis and care of clients.
Adapt rapidly to environmental changes and multiple task demands.
为患者、家属和同事提供安全的环境 与其他护理人员有效沟通的能力.
Ability to recognize and minimize hazards that could increase healthcare associated 感染.
Ability to recognize and minimize accident hazards in the clinical setting including hazards that contribute to patient, family and co-worker falls.
Prioritizes tasks to ensure patient safety and standard of care.
Maintains adequate concentration and attention in patient care settings.
Responds to monitor alarms, emergency signals, call bells from patients, and orders 以迅速而有效的方式. 能够准确识别病人.
沟通 能够用英语准确、清晰、高效地与患者沟通; 他们的家人和医疗团队的其他成员(包括口头和非口头) 沟通(如面部表情、情感和肢体语言的解读).

良好的沟通能力,包括说,听,读,写,语言 技能及电脑知识.
Gives verbal directions to or follows verbal directions from other members of the healthcare team and participates in health care team discussions of patient care.

获取并记录有关健康历史、当前健康状态和响应的信息 接受病人或家属的治疗.

Conveys information to clients and others as necessary to teach, direct and counsel 对个人进行准确、有效、及时的评估.

Establish and maintain effective working relations with patients and co-workers.

Recognizes and reports critical patient information to other caregivers.
认知/概念/定量的能力 能够阅读和理解英文书面文件,并解决相关问题 测量、计算、推理、分析和综合.
能够收集数据,制定行动计划,确定优先事项并进行监控 评估治疗方案和方式.
Ability to comprehend three-dimensional and spatial relationships.
Comprehend spatial relationships adequate to properly administer injections, start 静脉注射线或评估不同深度的伤口.
Recognizes an emergency situation and responds effectively to safeguard the patient 以及其他看护人.
Accurately processes information on medication container, physicians’ orders, and monitor and equipment calibrations, printed documents, flow sheets, graphic sheets, medication administration records, other medical records and policy and procedure manuals.
守时/工作习惯 Ability to adhere to TSNP policies, procedures and requirements as described in the Student Nurse Manual, college catalog and student handbook and course syllabus.
Ability to complete classroom and clinical assignments and submit assignments at the 所需的时间.
Understand and complete classroom and clinical assignments by due date and time.


  1. The graduate must fulfill all requirements of the College for graduation.
  2. The graduate of nursing must pass all program courses with a minimum grade of “C” per the requirements and scales as addressed in the syllabi of each nursing course.
  3. 毕业生必须具备与本专业范围相关的所有关键护理技能 注册护士的执业资格.
  4. The graduate must be competent in calculations of medications. 学生是必须的 每学期通过一次药物管理能力考试,成绩达到100% mastery in order to progress to the next semester of the ADN program. (见护理 学生手册(参阅更多资料).
  5. 毕业生必须遵守学生护理手册中规定的所有要求.
  6. 不允许有两门或两门以上NUR课程不及格或退学的学生 将15个或更少的NUR学分转回TS并获得他们的应用助理 护理学理学学位.

During 应用程序 for licensure, the student must answer the following questions:

  1. “Have you ever been convicted of a crime or have you ever accepted a court plea of 有罪或无罪? Have you received a deferred judgment or deferred prosecution?”
  2. “Are you now, or were you for the 12 months preceding the date of this 应用程序, addicted to any controlled substance; a regular user of any controlled substance without a prescription; and/or habitually intemperate in the use of intoxicating liquor?” If any question is answered “yes,” the student needs to meet with the director of 作为科罗拉多州护理委员会的具体咨询护理部门 牌照要求.
